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Lot of interested members & ok to be paid member. But feel unable to proceed right now.
Harsh, India, Meerut
Yes I found someone and I want to thank the site, she is Russian and we will soon get married.
Javier, United States, Los Angeles
The website is very basic. This is a good thing. We have had enough of all those badoo/tinder like wensites where you have to do stupid games in order to match someone. Here you simply search what you want and contact them. Also, plensy of real ladie...
Leonardo, Ireland, Carlow
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Lianna, 39 yo
Olja, 37 yo

Each girl that register to our site goes through the manual processing by manager who check her profile.

Read our anti-scam program

Every week we add 70-120 new profiles of single Russian girls and Russian women to our online database.

Every week 'Russian Woman' reject 50-80 scammers that try to register to the site.

Look at new girls that registered recently

Every week 30-50 girls delete themselves from our online database as they found their soul mate and do not need our service anymore.

Look at our scam list
Almost every day we receive letters of thanks from our clients who have found their partners through 'Russian Woman' Read the feedbacks
You can join the site, be our client and find your Russian love here:  

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write them a letter or show your interest in any other way!

Read about the ways to show interest
Anti-scam program

We have the unique anti-scam program that helps us to get rid our site of scammers. We do not look only through scammers lists (we have our own scammer list also where people can register scammers) but also see through their contrivance

It is easy for scammers - to change names, photos, email addresses. But some things they can't change and we follow them to guard you from them.

Scam list, questions of our clients

What if a girl seems suspicious to me?

'Russian Woman' safeguard you from scammers that are known, we use also our anti-scam program for this for scammers who just change photos, address and name and try to register again. But of course it can be that someone has just begin it. In this case, just click on the words Complain on the user in the letter that seems suspicious and we will check the person. If everything is ok then nobody will know that you complain. If yes, this person will appear in our scammer list and disappear on the site.

Questions of our clients

How can I see the status of a lady (I mean the membership status: free (unpaid), silver, Gold)? Have many ladies got at least paid silver or gold membership ? What is, if I am interested in a lady, but she has only free (unpaid) membership. How can she answer me ???

All the ladies that you see are gold (but free, 'Russian Woman' never charge women any money). Limited girls are not seen (when we check the lady and see that she is a scammer we do not open her),So all ladies can answer you. It is free for them - to write the first to you and to answer you.

I sent letters to approx. 30 to 40 ladies, I think, I am interested in them. But I have a question.Will each lady receive my letter ? I have fear, that the lady can automatically select on her account, from which men (criteria like age, country...) she wants to receive letters ?

No it is impossible for ladies . All ladies will receive their letters but of course, some check their mail very regurarly (each day or several times a day) some once a week and some can be now on holiday ). You can go to your outbox and check what letters were read and what not. And of course, a lady can answer it or (let's be a realist) do not answer.

Our recommendations how to find love in Russia

Have you come to the site to find a Russian bride? Do Russian girls attract you? I will be happy to help you:

Register to the site 'Russian Woman' and pay special attention to pictures. Many men think that women do not pay attention to pictures - WRONG! They do. When you communicate with the person, then pictures go to the second plan. But in the beginning they do. The worst pictures that can be imagined are made by mobile telephones or by camera. They make face of the person to look in special way and usually it does not help to attract attention.

Russia is the country of traditional view on the roles of men and women. Women can be active, but they want you to initiate contact. Most of the information is written in your profile. That's why your letter can be rather short. It can be rather traditional: I like you, do you like my profile. Or you can think of something more original. If you want to be slower in your approach send the Russian girls on the site postcards or ice-breaks.

In the first letters write when you can come to Russia, be definite. On this site, women are serious looking for a partner for life, and many of them met with the case when men just wrote, wrote, wrote for several years but the time went by. That's why many women reply less gladly when they do not know when a man can come.

Choose the women with whom it is easy for you to communicate, with whom you never miss words. Ask them for a telephone number, phone, talk there will tell you more than tons of letters.

What women hate most is the thought that you phone to tens women and do not remember even their names. Better talk on different themes in your telephone talks and ask different questions and never forget the name.

When you have established good relationship with a girl, try to come to Russia as soon as possible. The more you delay your visit to your girl the more chance that the relationship will go down (they can't just stand on one point, the relationship need to go up and make better or they need to go down and make worse).

The ways to show interest

Our site has many possibilities to show your interest to the girls.

The most popular for girls is to send winks. The most popular for men is to send a message.

If you put your photo to photo rating then you will get notification each time somebody puts the highest mark to your photo. It becomes popular beginning of communication also.

Some men specialize in postcards. They choose funny and attractive postcards and send them to women. Especially when it is a holiday it is a good occasion to send them.

The site has the system of ice-break, phrases that begin the communication. It is especialy ideal when you have good compatibility and can attract the attention of the other person to it.

The system of templates allow you to mak a template of a letter and send it to many people withflexible changing it before sending.

Men's Internet Dating Site Photos

HUGE files, image quality exceeding 50+ K, are less important to Russian women than that "YOU CARED ENOUGH TO SEND YOUR VERY BEST." The quote is, of course a paraphrase of Hallmark's signiture and applies here. Do you care enough? IF so, DO YOUR BEST for your intended.

Your first letter

You must write to her about why you were specifically interested in her. The fact that from the enormous number of potential candidates you focused your attention precisely on her, will elicit a feeling of gratitude and a desire to answer. Recall something that actually interested you from her profile or the photograph - just don.t write about the breast or the legs.

Who knows why he's winking?!

Girls from Russia and other countries of Eastern Europe sometimes hesitate to be the first to show initiative in making contact, regarding this as a sign of neediness and 'being easy', and according to tradition they await for the men to show initiative.

How to crack a code of erogenous zones?

Therefore it is necessary to observe closely only movements of the person and their touches to their own body, and the erogenous code becomes clear. If the woman constantly licks her lips, touches them with her fingertips or bites a pen, it speaks about




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Standart Memberships
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- Post profile for all girls to see
- Possibility to receive letters
- Possibility to send the first letter to girls
- Instant compatibility report
-Detailed Chemistry compatibility report

Silver Memberships

12 months

39.9 usd

- Priority in search before Standart members
- Unlimited communication with

Russian girls

- Unlimited sending of postcards, winks, ice-breakers, interactive postcards (Gift-cat)

Gold Memberships
1 month
3 month
6 months
12 months
39.9 usd
49.9 usd
79.9 usd
99.9 usd

- Priority in search before Silver members
- Unlimited communication with

Russian girls

- Unlimited sending of postcards, winks, ice-breakers, interactive postcards (Gift-cat)

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